Simple but sentimental ceremony

829079_wedding-ring_5.jpgGetting married is important and there are those who want a simple but sentimental ceremony for their special day. The basic requirements need to be observed which are: who would you like to have present; where do you want this to take place; what are you going to wear; are you having a meal afterwards; and most importantly have you taken care of making an appointment with a celebrant to prepare a Notice of Intended Marriage at least 1 month and 1 day before the event – see the wedding ceremony checklist on this site.

Jessica and Harry are getting married soon
so they brought their papers for me to sight
and we spent a short time discussing what
sort of celebration they envisaged
it was to be at Mrs Macquarie’s Chair
with the Harbour Bridge and Opera House
in the background as they stood underneath
a huge Oak tree – a popular choice
I could see the excitement in their eyes
perhaps the lack of stress added to it being
a simple but sentimental ceremony

Wedding-ring 5, photo by Miroslav Sári?ka, Prievidza, Slovakia,

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